New Way To Make Money Online For Beginners In 2024! ($200_Day)

what's going on guys welcome back to

another tutorial in this tutorial I'm

going to show you how to make money

online with a brand new method that we

haven't actually talked about on this

channel ever before and this is a super

easy method that anyone can get started

right now and you don't need to go and

create your own complicated website or

anything like that in fact I'm going to

take you through everything that you

need to know step by step and we're not

going to miss out on any information and

best of all as you guys know this works

well worldwide so it doesn't matter

where you are in the world you can do

this method so let's jump into this

tutorial and I'll show you how to make

money online just using the internet

with this brand new method all right

guys so what I'm going to do is I'm

going to show you a strategy that people

were using to make money online without

actually doing any work and don't worry

it has nothing to do with trading I'm

just showing you this guy as an example

and what I mean by that you're not going

to actually do any trading or anything

like that so this guy here I don't know

much about him but if you actually go to

his I've just picked a random trading

YouTuber I've never actually seen this

guy before but here has videos about

trading and things like that if you

actually click on his videos and you go

to the description you'll see that in

the description he has um a live trading

room where he gives away like trading

signals and stuff like that and so this

is what we're going to actually be

focusing on in this video on how you can

make money by doing this type of stuff

and you're not actually going to be

giving away trade signals or anything

like that it's pretty cool how this all

works it's something that pretty much

99% of people won't know how it works

I'm going to show you how it works right

now and how you can actually make money

from this so if we click on one of his

links I've already done it here this is

called the currency cave and people pay

this guy $99 per month to get trade

signals um live trading access it's

absolutely insane or there's $159 $159

per month and this includes course

Discord and stuff like that so I'm going

to show you kind of how doesn't really

do any work well now I don't know if

this guy doesn't do any work in here but

I do know a lot of other guys that don't

do any work someone else runs all of

this for them and they just sit back and

make money it's absolutely insane so the

first thing we need to do with this is

we need to go ahead and we need to find

someone who's going to do all of the

work for us and I'll explain to you how

that works right now but keep in mind

the main thing that we're going to be

focusing on here and how this guy makes

a lot of his money is he gives away

Trading signals every single day so what

that means is I'll actually show you an

example on the screen right now

yesterday of that I'm in this is this is

what a trading signal is so this is not

his group this is somebody else's and

they say sell um sell X Au USD and they

have a stop loss and a and a um take

profit and people just copy this trade

and then this trade in particular made

people a bit of money so that's what a

trade signal is and a lot of these gurus

and stuff will post trade signals in

groups and they make money by having a

membership to those trade signals so how

can you actually make money from this

without actually doing any trading Let

Me Explain If we go to and we

put in trade signals and we scroll down

you can find people who will run

everything for you that's the insane

part about this so for example if we go

to this for example that I just showed

you someone will be running this for

this person for this Guru they won't be

doing it themselves so if we scroll down

to this guy right here I found before

this guy is a top rated analyst for

Forex but what he actually does is he

runs people's groups so I will provide

trading signals to your telegram group I

will manage both VIP and free groups I

will attract members from the free group

to the premium group I have been doing

this for more than 5 years so he will

literally run the entire group all you

have to do is find people to join the

group your paid group or free group or

whatever and that person is going to

take care of everything else so how do

you actually do that now this guy posts

videos about trading and stuff like that

you might not know anything about

trading or anything like that but let's

jump into that in a second first I want

to tell you show you a few tools that

you're going to need for this the

easiest way is probably going to be to

have a telegram group but if you just

want to have a straight A straight paid

group where people pay a membership I

would recommend using School .c you can

sign up and people can um go into your

group and they are a paid member they

pay you money every single month to get

these trade signals and then this guy

here or other people will run that group

for you you need to just focus on the

traffic okay the next thing you need um

so so that's just straight into a group

the group will cover everything the the

price and everything else you don't need

anything else if you just use

it's the group I've actually got a group

right here let me show you my group

um everything is run in here my guys can

post post stuff these guys can just post

stuff and Etc sorry that was spam I just

had to delete that but that's what

school is it's a group everything is in

here you don't need to worry about

anything else if you don't want to use

School actually let me show you how easy

it is to set up a payment right I go to

settings and I go to uh payments payout

payouts payments um subscriptions and we

have a free all you can do um actually

have a member on the $1 which I did

which is kind of insane um and then we

have a paid one as well so I just I did

a $1 one basically because I was getting

a lot of spam I'm actually going to make

that the current right now um but people

will pay you money every single month to

be in the group if you don't want to use

something like school you can use

something like pay hiip instead and then

direct people to a telegram group um and

a lot of Traders like to use telegram

because the notifications and stuff are

instant so now let's get into how you

can actually get all of this set up

first of all you need to choose a group

whether you choose um or you

choose telegram I'll leave a link to below um but you can go ahead

and use telegram as well and use payhip

to set that all up now the one that this

guy um uses is called um whoop so that's

another one as well that you could

potentially use and it looks like this

this is it right here and there's

reviews and people can check out Etc so

you can use that as well the next is we

need to actually go ahead and do content

so what I would recommend you do for

this to do content is to go over to

Fiverr and let's just assume you don't

want to do any content yourself go over

to Fiverr and put in something like

YouTube shorts or something like that

and you'll see that people will create

YouTube shorts for you now you can use

these YouTube shorts on Tik Tok

Instagram wherever you like and I've

actually made an order just to show you

some time ago if we go to my orders here


I have created here we go I will


um shorts so this person created some

shorts for me about facts they can do

shorts about trading or anything like

that and if we scroll down these are the

shorts right here if we actually click

on this person's gig and we scroll down

you'll see that this is the categories

that they will do and they do Finance

motivational quotes um I'm pretty sure

they do stocks crypto videos they do all

that type of stuff so you go and get

this content created and then you post

it online and then in the description

and things like that like this guy has

in the shorts or like on Tik Tok and

stuff you would have a link to your

group okay and then you would pay

someone like this to run the group for

you and post the trade signals okay and

that's the thing he's going to post all

of the trade signals you don't need to

worry about anything else and you're

going to go ahead and make money from

this method it's that simple you need

focus on the traffic this person or

whoever you hire they will focus on

running the group and putting in the

trade signals this is what they do they

do a trade signal they put it in and

then they tell people when to buy they

tell people when to sell or to modify a

trade Etc it's all right here on the

screen so that guys is a great way that

you can go ahead and make money is to

start a trade signal group where you

focus on getting the traffic to the

group and then someone else focuses

focuses on putting in the trade signals

and doing the research for you for your

paid members I'll see you guys in the article

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